Cyber Security for the Hospitality Industry in 2023

A data breach can have devastating consequences for a hospitality business, such as loss of reputation, customer trust, revenue, and legal liability.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022

The hospitality industry is one of the most vulnerable sectors to cyber attacks, as it collects and processes large amounts of sensitive customer data, such as personal information, credit card details, and travel preferences. Cyber criminals can exploit this data for various purposes, such as identity theft, fraud, ransomware, phishing, and espionage. A data breach can have devastating consequences for a hospitality business, such as loss of reputation, customer trust, revenue, and legal liability.

Therefore, it is essential for hospitality businesses to implement effective cyber security measures to protect their data, systems, and customers from cyber threats. In this article, we will discuss some of the common cyber security challenges faced by the hospitality industry, and some of the best practices and solutions to address them.

Common Cyber Security Challenges for the Hospitality Industry

Some of the cyber security challenges that the hospitality industry faces are:

  • Phishing attacks: Phishing is a type of cyber attack that uses fraudulent emails or websites to trick users into revealing their credentials or downloading malicious software. During the COVID-19 pandemic, cyber criminals increased their phishing campaigns by exploiting people's fear and curiosity about the virus. For example, they may send fake emails claiming to offer COVID-19 updates, travel vouchers, or health advice, and ask users to click on a link or open an attachment that contains malware or leads to a fake login page.
  • DarkHotel hacking: This is a type of cyber espionage that targets high-profile guests of hotels, such as executives, business owners, or government officials. Cyber criminals obtain the travel itinerary of their target and hack into the hotel's network. They then deploy malicious code on the hotel's server or Wi-Fi network, and try to access the devices and data of their target when they connect to the hotel's network.
  • Contactless check-in and track-and-trace COVID-19 apps: To reduce physical contact and improve health safety, many hotels have introduced contactless check-in options and track-and-trace COVID-19 apps for their guests. However, these technologies also pose cyber security risks, as they may collect sensitive data from guests' devices or expose them to malicious apps that can steal their data or infect their devices with malware.
  • New types of sensitive data to protect: Due to the pandemic, hotels may have to collect new types of sensitive data from their guests, such as health records, vaccination status, or test results. This data may be subject to strict privacy regulations and require additional security measures to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure.
  • Poor security awareness of temp workers: Many hotels hire temporary workers or outsource some of their functions to third-party vendors. These workers or vendors may not have adequate security training or awareness and may inadvertently expose the hotel's data or systems to cyber attacks.

Best Practices and Solutions for Cyber Security in the Hospitality Industry

To mitigate these cyber security challenges and protect their data and customers from cyber attacks, hospitality businesses should adopt the following best practices and solutions:

  • Encrypt payment card information: Payment card information is one of the most valuable types of data for cyber criminals, as they can use it to conduct fraudulent transactions or sell it on the dark web. Therefore, hospitality businesses should always encrypt payment card information when storing or transmitting it over networks. Encryption is a process that transforms data into an unreadable format that can only be decrypted with a secret key. Encryption can prevent unauthorized access or interception of payment card information by cyber criminals.
  • Train staff on cyber security: Staff are often the weakest link in cyber security, as they may fall victim to phishing attacks or make mistakes that compromise the hotel's data or systems. Therefore, hospitality businesses should provide regular and relevant cyber security training to their staff, especially those who handle customer data or access computer systems. Training should cover topics such as how to identify and report suspicious emails or websites, how to create and manage strong passwords, how to use secure Wi-Fi networks, and how to avoid downloading or opening unknown files or apps.
  • Comply with relevant regulations: Hospitality businesses should comply with relevant regulations that govern the collection, processing, and protection of customer data. For example,
  • The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements that apply to any business that accepts payment cards. It aims to ensure the security of payment card information and prevent fraud.
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law that applies to any business that offers goods or services to EU residents or monitors their behavior. It aims to protect the privacy and rights of individuals regarding their personal data.
  • The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state law that applies to any business that collects personal information from California residents. It aims to give consumers more control over their personal information and how it is used by businesses.

Compliance with these regulations can help hospitality businesses avoid fines, lawsuits, and reputational damage in case of a data breach.

  • Use cyber security measures: Hospitality businesses should use various cyber security measures to protect their data and systems from common cyber threats. Some of these measures are:
  • Firewalls: These are devices or software that monitor and filter the incoming and outgoing network traffic. They can block unauthorized or malicious connections or requests from reaching the hotel's network or systems.
  • Network monitoring: This is a process of collecting and analyzing data about the performance and activity of the hotel's network. It can help detect and respond to any anomalies or signs of cyber attacks, such as unusual traffic patterns, spikes in bandwidth usage, or unauthorized access attempts.
  • Anti-malware: These are software programs that scan and remove any malicious software, such as viruses, worms, or ransomware, from the hotel's devices or systems. They can prevent malware from infecting or damaging the hotel's data or systems.
  • Traffic filtering: This is a process of inspecting and blocking any unwanted or harmful content, such as spam, phishing, or malware, from entering or leaving the hotel's network or systems. It can prevent users from accessing malicious websites or emails that may compromise their data or devices.
  • Hire a cyber security consultant: Hospitality businesses may not have the expertise or resources to implement and manage effective cyber security measures on their own. Therefore, they may benefit from hiring a cyber security consultant who can provide them with professional advice and assistance on how to improve their cyber security posture. A cyber security consultant can help hospitality businesses with tasks such as:
  • Conducting a cyber security assessment: This is a process of evaluating the current state of the hotel's cyber security and identifying any gaps or weaknesses that need to be addressed.
  • Developing a cyber security strategy: This is a process of defining the hotel's cyber security goals, objectives, and plans, and aligning them with its business needs and priorities.
  • Implementing a cyber security solution: This is a process of selecting and deploying the appropriate cyber security measures, tools, and processes for the hotel's data and systems.
  • Monitoring and maintaining a cyber security solution: This is a process of ensuring that the hotel's cyber security solution is functioning properly and effectively, and updating it as needed to keep up with the changing cyber threat landscape.

Why Choose Mindtrades for Cyber Security Consulting?

Mindtrades is a global management and technology consulting company that offers various services such as cyber security, digital transformation, machine learning, cloud migration, and more. Mindtrades has expertise in protecting businesses from different types of cyber attacks, such as denial-of-service, phishing, malware, SQL injection, etc. Mindtrades also provides a cyber attack cheat sheet infographic that explains how these attacks work and how to prevent them.

Mindtrades can help hospitality businesses improve their cyber security by providing them with:

  • Customized solutions: Mindtrades can tailor its cyber security solutions to suit the specific needs and challenges of each hospitality business. Mindtrades can also integrate its solutions with existing systems and processes to ensure seamless operation and compatibility.
  • Experienced consultants: Mindtrades has a team of qualified and certified cyber security consultants who have extensive knowledge and experience in the hospitality industry. They can provide hospitality businesses with reliable guidance and support on how to enhance their cyber security posture.
  • Innovative technologies: Mindtrades uses cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to deliver effective and efficient cyber security solutions. For example, Mindtrades uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate and optimize its cyber security processes and services.
  • Cost-effective pricing: Mindtrades offers competitive and transparent pricing for its cyber security solutions. Mindtrades also provides flexible payment options and plans to suit different budgets and preferences.

If you are interested in improving your cyber security with Mindtrades, please contact us today for a free consultation. We will be happy to discuss your needs and goals and provide you with a customized proposal.

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