Fast, Budget-Friendly ISO 27001 Certification

Our clients benefit from a streamlined path to ISO 27001 certification in as few as 12 weeks, thanks to our simplified process and transparent flat-rate pricing model.


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ISO 27001 Certification vs Compliance - What's the Difference?

If you're new to information security management systems (ISMS), you may be wondering about the distinction between ISO 27001 certification and compliance. While they are related concepts, there is an important difference to understand.

Compliance with ISO 27001
Being compliant with ISO 27001 means your organization follows the requirements and guidelines outlined in the standard. You have implemented the necessary policies, procedures and controls to meet ISO 27001 specifications. However, compliance alone does not formally validate your ISMS against the criteria.

ISO 27001 Certification
Certification takes your ISO 27001 compliance to the next level. It involves a comprehensive audit of your ISMS by an accredited third-party certification body. Their auditors will thoroughly assess if your security practices conform to the standard's requirements. Only after successfully completing this audit can your organization's ISMS be certified as ISO 27001 compliant.

Why Get ISO 27001 Certified?
While striving for compliance internally is a good first step, certified status provides official recognition that your data security measures adhere to the highest global standards. This certification demonstrates credible assurance to customers, partners and other stakeholders regarding your robust security posture and commitment to protecting their information assets.