Every so often there is a massive data breach at a large corporation that makes the headlines. These news stories help feed the myth that the cloud is insecure, however, the cloud is only a bad option if you enter the fray blind.
Some of the main myths concerning the cloud is that it isn’t secure, the pure cloud will be your only choice, your company can use only one cloud vendor, and that no cloud strategy is required to use the cloud. The first myth may be the greatest deterrent to getting involved with cloud services, however, the fourth is the reason things go wrong. Less than a third of companies have a documented cloud strategy, and that lack of a well-thought-out plan could mean all the difference. A cloud strategy is simply the plan to assimilate the cloud into your every-day work functions, and to focus your cloud efforts on specific business objectives. The best way to look at this plan is to view it not as a technological transition but to view it as an outcome driven development. The new technology you’re adopting will open you up to a host of other possibilities for efficiency, but it won’t do it on its own. By reviewing your cloud options, you can create a cloud strategy based on your specific needs, and from there you can reap all the benefits from the switch.
Where does Mindtrades come in? The potential benefits that the cloud offers hinge upon whether you and your company make the right decisions. At Mindtrades, we can provide key understanding into which direction your company should take. We also advise on how to liaise with your clients on how to keep your cloud secure, as, according to Gartner Research, 95% of cloud security failure will be the fault of the customer by the year 2020. The better speed and flexibility that the cloud offers will also require additional support, a cloud architect, and Mindtrades will also offer our insights on who to hire. A cloud architect will be a necessary liaison between the cloud and the company; someone who will help change the culture in the workplace to accommodate this new technology. They will also contribute to the cloud strategy, development, and coordination of cloud architecture. A big job will require a hefty amount of planning, and Mindtrades is ready to work with you and provide the planning for this major change.